Kym has worked in the Hospitality, Tourism, Business, IT and Education sectors and brings capabilities in areas of operations, financial management, strategy, marketing and governance and holds degrees in Education and an MBA.

Kym’s background includes significant experience teaching both in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors both in NSW and QLD across a wide variety of subject areas which is where he has seen the value of real-life learning and adventure learning. Kym has been involved with mission trips to PNG, Vanuatu and on regular Scripture Union Beach missions over the years.

Kym and his wife Deb love spending time with their five adult children and now also have five grandchildren in Australia and overseas. Kym retired from full time employment mid-2023 and now resides on the Sunshine Coast pursuing his passions in cycling, swimming, and surf sports. Kym is on the Board Corporate for their property. Kym and Deb have regularly attended Uniting, Evangelical, AOG and Baptist churches and currently attending Little Mountain Church of Christ where Kym is on the Eldership Board.

Kym’s motivation for being involved with the Emu Gully Team board is to assist in strategic management, good governance, financial stewardship and to engage with all stakeholders to help provide values-based adventure learning.

KYM AYLING - company member